
Hi 👋 Emily here!

Today was the recognition event for the East CEO class of 2024. It was a great morning where the students were able to speak in front of their peers, parents, mentors, board members, and SVCC administrators. As an educator, it’s really hard to describe the relationships you build in a program like this. Because of hectic schedules, I often see these students more than I do my own children and have grown to love them for the amazing human beings they are. I hope I’ve made a small difference in their lives that they can carry into adulthood.

Awards time!

🥉 place booth award: Makenzie Toms

Joe Dukes Adversity scholarship: Makenzie Toms and MyKaylah Kirby

Edith Jakobs education scholarship: Alease McLain and Jason Prowant

The students also surprised their favorite person Margo. Margo has made such an impact on their lives and they wanted to give back to her, so a portion of their 25% they made in profit will be donated to a new educational center that is being created right here in the Sauk Valley to serve the Jewish community.

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